Specialty Vermiculite launches new website

Explore the upgraded Specialty Vermiculite experience!

Introducing our brand-new website, packed with fresh branding, comprehensive product info, valuable resources, and safety data sheets! Dive in and explore the upgraded Specialty Vermiculite experience today.

Specialty Vermiculite is proudly mined and processed in Enoree, South Carolina. We use an open-pit mining technique to extract the vermiculite concentrate, which is then carefully separated from other minerals and sorted into a range of particle sizes. Dedicated to quality, our Specialty Vermiculite division produces top-tier vermiculite products that meet the diverse needs of our customers across various industries. Available in multiple particle sizes, our vermiculite is perfect for a wide array of applications, providing reliable performance and versatility

Don’t miss out on valuable knowledge that can empower your business. Visit our new website to explore the wide range of services we offer, including cryogenic installation, perlite bulk supply, perlite removal from cold boxes, and portable perlite expansion plants

Ready to elevate your company’s processes? Contact us today to learn how our vermiculite products can drive exceptional results for your business.